Coupons in Playa Del Carmen and Cancun Mexico

Yes people that live in Mexico use coupons, look around at all the large stores that are offering coupons THIS TREND IS HERE TO STAY. And people love them.....

69 Million people downloaded coupons and used them off the internet in North America last year.

The demand for coupons continues to grow, with 96% of those polled saying they clip or print them, with more than 62% doing so at least once a week and 38% clipping or printing them more frequently, Prospectiv says. 51% of consumers polled said they redeem almost all the coupons they gather.

Viral Marketing Efforts - Encourage Word of mouth referrals by coupon forwarding

Online promotions are the best approach to word-of-mouth-driven consumers

It is a common misconception that only lower income shoppers use coupons to save money.. In fact, a recent survey by NCH Marketing Services revealed that 75 percent of customers in all income brackets use coupons sometimes and the highest rate of coupon clippers have an income of $25,000 - $50,000.

47,400,000 Internet users in Mexico as of Dec/08, 34.9% of the population, according to eMarketer
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